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PPP Forgivable amount Calculation Excel

Hisae Kato

You can download the PPP loan forgivable amount Excel from download page in our website. It was created by AICPA. We examined this Excel during the weekend, but it's so complicated that we have not figured it out yet (sweat). We realized that the biggest problem is when we reduce employee's salary by 25% or more or, when the number of employees is smaller than before COVID 19. There are number of reason that why your employee is not coming back to work because employment insurance is so good or does not want to work because of fear of COVID19. For that case, SAFE HARBOR RULE comes in here. As long as you have written document from your employee for the reason not coming back, it will be SAFE HARBROR. OR

If you keep your salary level and number of employees to pre-COVID19 by June 30, you will be also under SAFE HARBOR RULE. So, as I wrote in the blog before that, please prepare a document confirming that the employee will come back or not. Otherwise, not only the calculation of reduction of salary and number of employees get very complex, but also your PPP will be mostly loan.

We do not basically assist for this calculation, so we recommend that you are ready for that. Please check with them how they can help.




Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)

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記事: Blog2_Post
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