In response to the Paycheck Protection Program, the Unemployment Insurance Divisions has added a new question to the Low Earnings Report that allows you to identify employees who did not accept all work offered.
As of May 19, 2020, you can submit the Low Earnings Report immediately after the employee refuses to accept work and is currently filing unemployment insurance. By doing so, you will help the Unemployment Insurance Division prevent overpayments as well as ensure your benefits under the Paycheck Protection Program.
To use this feature, log into your HUIClaims account and do the following:
Select the "File Weekly Report of Low Earnings."
In the "FILE NEW LER" screen, enter the week ending date and click on "New."
Enter the full names, Social Security Number, hours worked, and earnings of the employee(s).
Tab to the "Accepted All Work" field, where a pop-up message box will appear.
In the message box, answer the "did the employee accept ALL work offered?" by indicating "yes" or "no"
If "no," enter the dates and reason given in the text box provided
If you received funds from the Paycheck Protection Program, answer the question "was the employee covered under the Paycheck Protection Program?" by indicating "yes" or "no."
Click on the Save button.
Complete the "Separation Information For" box and save.
Click "Finalize" and "Submit"
For those that regularly use the import feature, please be aware that this will include the additional PPP question in the file format. Thank you very much for helping the Unemployment Insurance Division ensure the integrity of the unemployment insurance program. We hope that you find this feature helpful