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Hisae Kato

Tax season has begun and E file has started.

Tax season has begun and E file has started. This year's points are unemployment insurance (FORM1099-G) and STIMULUS CHECK whether you received $1,200 per person. If you have not received THE STIMULUS CHECK, you can re-apply by filing a tax return in 2020. So it is important to claim exactly how much money you received last year. Most people had received a letter from the IRS about the amount, so it would be nice to check it or check it in the bank statement.

There are a lot of people who got form1099-G Hawaii unemployment insurance this year, but most people do not have any withholding tax from it, so there is a pattern that they have to pay taxes upon filing. For individuals, there are few things that can use deductions very much, but we recommend that you put a TRADITION IRA (personal pension) up to $6,000 for those under 50 in 2020 and $7,000 for those over 50. You can think of it as long-term savings, but if you draw it before you are about 60 years old, there will be a 10% penalty, so it is recommended for those who have a little room for savings.

Because it is such a time now, it is possible to reduce taxes using this way if there is room for living expenses of at least 6 months separately. However, keep in mind that even if you save taxes by putting TRADITION IRA in 2020 return, it will be your income in the year you draw it.

I will explain more about IRA in detail on another occasion, but this time, if you have received FORM 1099-G and have not been drawn tax from it, you may have to pay taxes at the time of filing.




Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)

Corporate Transparency Act(CTA)は、国防権限法の一環として議会によって可決された法律で、国家安全保障を強化し、資金洗浄やテロ資金供与などの違法活動を防ぐことを目的としています。2024年以前に設立した法人は、2025年の一月まで、2024年一月...


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